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Central Area index

Index of Convention(Conference) Facilities

City/Town Name of Facility Single Room Capacity for Theater Single Room Capacity for Buffet Number of Guest Rooms Accommodation Capacity
Tsu Saorina 4,000
Tsu Messe Wing Mie 2,680
Tsu Mie Center for the Arts
※There is a 360 degree photo
Tsu Misugi Resort
※There is a 360 degree photo
750 330 76 400
Tsu Tsucky Dome 673
Tsu Hakusan Cultural Center 595
Tsu Tsu Region Plaza 605
Tsu Sun Hills Ano 600
Tsu Tsu Center Palace 552 400
Tsu Hotel Green Park Tsu
※There is a 360 degree photo
500 300 160 194
Tsu Kawage Community Center 504
Tsu Geino Cultural Center 445
Tsu Sun Delta Karasu 400
Tsu Ichishi Farming Area Development Center 370
Tsu Misato Cultural Center 336
Tsu Plaza Dohshin 300 300 29 67
Tsu Misugi Cultural Center 300
Tsu Ust Plaza 270
Tsu COCOPA RESORT CLUB 250 380 177 528
Tsu Tsu City Central Community Center 200
Tsu Sunwork Tsu 180
Tsu Mie Prefectural Art Museum 153
Tsu Hisai Green Hotel 90 70 99 118
Tsu Mie Prefectural Museum MieMu 80 100
Matsusaka Kuragi Cultural Hall 1,300
Matsusaka Nogyoya Community Cultural Center 501
Matsusaka Matsusaka City Industrial Promotion Center 195
Matsusaka Saiku Heian Era Park 150 Please inquire
Matsusaka Saiku Histrical Museum 128

Central Area Accommodation Information(Selection of Hotels over 30 rooms)

※as of 2018.12.3
City/Town Number
of Hotels
or Double 
Twin Other
Western Style
Tsu 21 1,585 377 76 188
Matsusaka 12 834 107 42 16
Taki 1 104 8 0 0
Meiwa 0 0 0 0 0
Odai 0 0 0 0 0


三重県 観光部 海外誘客課 MICE・高付加価値観光班 〒514-8570 

