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  7.  Mie Prefectural Art Museum
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Mie Prefectural Art Museum


Mie Prefectural Art Museum

The Mie Prefectural Art Museum is a 10-minute walk from the West Exit of Tsu Station, the gateway to Tsu City. Since its opening in 1982, the museum collects and stores works of art, as well as research on art, and hosts exhibitions and art-related speaker events. The lecture hall, which accommodates up to 153 guests, is used for exhibitions planned by the museum, and is also available for use as a venue for general art-related functions.

Convention(Conference) Facilities


Lecture Hall

Lecture Hall has 153 seats, including 148 fixed seats and five moveable seats, and are arranged to accommodate guests for symposiums and workshops. The venue is also equipped with sound and lighting systems.

Room Area(㎡) Capacity Fee(Yen)
Theater School Hollow Square Buffet Dinner
Lecture Hall 240 153         9:00~12:00 10,260
13:00~17:00 13,500
9:00~17:00 22,140
※When entrance charge is needed, you need extra fees.


 Operating hours for convention facilities: 9:00~17:00(Open hours for Art Museum 9:30~17:00)
  Closed: Mondays
  Reservation start date: 3 months in advance
ワイファイアイコン Wi-Fi Areas: N/A
 10 min. walk from Kintetsu Tsu Station
 20 min. drive from Tsu Exit of Ise Expressway
駐車場アイコン 39 standard-sized cars (free parking, 91 standard-sized cars shared with Prefectural Education Center)
 11 Otani-cho, Tsu-city, Mie 514-0007
  TEL +81-59-227-2100 FAX +81-59-223-0570
  Email bijutsu@pref.mie.jp
  URL http://www.bunka.pref.mie.lg.jp/art-museum/index.shtm


三重県 観光部 海外誘客課 MICE・高付加価値観光班 〒514-8570 

