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 Registering as a foreign resident 外国人登録をする

The present alien registration system will be changed in July, 2012. Under the new alien registration system, foreigners will be issued the same residence certificate issued to Japanese nationals. 

・Council of Local Authorities for International Relations(CLAIR) Website (Living information available in multiple languages)                  


 Procedures for visa status changes 在留手続きをする

If you want to extend your period of stay, you must apply to the nearest Regional Immigration Bureau. Application can be made two months before your period of stay expires. To apply, you must submit a copy of your employment contract or proof of income.

Immigration Bureau of Japan Website (Immigration Procedures)
・Council of Local Authorities for International Relations(CLAIR) Website (Living information available in multiple languages)  


 Finding a residence 家をさがす

Mie Prefecture and municipalities provide low-rent housing to low-income families facing difficulties related to housing. Applicants must earn below a determined amount of income per year to qualify.

Application for municipal housing  
Yokkaichi City Website
Suzuka City Website

 Financial transactions at banks and post offices 銀行・郵便局で手続きをする

You can open your own bank account or savings account at banks and post offices. You will need to provide a form of personal identification in order to do this. Japanese banks are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 3pm.

Kameyama City Website 

 Setting up electricity, gas, water and telephone 電気・ガス・水道・電話の申込みをする

For electricity service, call Chubu Electric Power at 0120-985-310. Provide your name, address, telephone number, the day you wish to begin electricity usage, and your preferred method of payment.

Chubu Electric Power Website
・Council of Local Authorities for International Relations(CLAIR) Website (Living information available in multiple languages) 

Check the type of gas you need. For utility gas (toshi gas) contact Toho Gas. For propane gas, go to a local retailer in your area. As with requesting electricity service, you will need to provide your name and address. You can set up a direct bank transfer so payments are automatically withdrawn from your account.

・Council of Local Authorities for International Relations(CLAIR) Website (Living information available in multiple languages)

Please phone the Municipal Water Department to be connected to the water supply.

・Council of Local Authorities for International Relations(CLAIR) Website (Living information available in multiple languages)

When using a landline, make sure to phone NTT Eastern Japan by dialing 116. To acquire a mobile phone, please go to a retailer and sign up for a contract. You will need to provide a form of personal identification.

NTT Eastern Japan Website

 Rules for Daily Living 生活ルール

How to sort and throw away rubbish
When throwing out waste, look at the sorting chart and follow the rules for waste disposal. If you don't follow waste disposal rules it can cause trouble for other people in the neighbourhood. The ways of sorting and disposing of rubbish may be different depending on the region where you live. For detailed information please ask your local government office or neighborhood association.

・Council of Local Authorities for International Relations(CLAIR) Website (Living information available in multiple languages)
Kameyama City Website 

Being noisy can be a nuisance to people in your neighborhood. Please avoid loud gatherings, playing music, using vacuum cleaners and using laundry machines after 9 PM. Please also be courteous during the day, as some of your neighbors may work at night and sleep during the afternoon hours.

・Council of Local Authorities for International Relations(CLAIR) Website (Living information available in multiple languages)

 Transport Rules 交通ルール

Driver's License
You need to have a drivers license in order to drive a vehicle in Japan. In order to obtain a license please go to a driving school.

Mie Prefecture Police Department Website
・Council of Local Authorities for International Relations(CLAIR) Website (Living information available in multiple languages)

Automobile Inspection
If you own a car, you will be required to have it inspected at regular intervals. Please enquire at the retailers who sold you your vehicle for more details.

・Council of Local Authorities for International Relations(CLAIR) Website (Living information available in multiple languages)

Compulsary Insurance
If you own a car, you will be required to have it inspected at regular intervals. Please enquire at the retailers who sold you your vehicle for more details.

・Council of Local Authorities for International Relations(CLAIR) Website (Living information available in multiple languages)

 Japanese language study  日本語を勉強する

There are Japanese language classes available for whose who wish to learn Japanese. For more details, please enquire at the city hall in the area where you live.

Japanese language classes 
 ・Mie International Exchage Foundation(MIEF) Website

 Finding employment 仕事をさがす

When looking for employment, you can go to a "Hello Work" (employment service center) and use the services available there. Hello Works are government institutions that provide services such as employment counseling and introductions to employers free of charge.

 ・Council of Local Authorities for International Relations(CLAIR) Website (Living information available in multiple languages)

 Enrolling in the Social Insurance System 社会保険に入る

Health Insurance
When you are sick or injured, medical insurance will cover a portion of the medical fees you incur so that everyone has secure access to healthcare. Individuals that work at a company or firm will enroll in public health insurance in addition to contributing to their pension fund. All other individuals, including those who are self employed, must enroll in the national health insurance system. Health insurance is mandatory in Japan.

・Council of Local Authorities for International Relations(CLAIR) Website (Living information available in multiple languages)
AMDA International Medical Information Centre Website

Worker's Accident Compensation Insurance
Worker's Accident Compensation Insurance provides funds for medical expenses incurred when you are injured or become ill through your work or in an incident at work. Enrollment in this system is mandatory.

・Council of Local Authorities for International Relations(CLAIR) Website (Living information available in multiple language)

Unemployment Insurance
Unemployment insurance is a system which helps defray your living costs through regular payments after loss of employment and before finding new employment. Enrollment is mandatory.

・Council of Local Authorities for International Relations(CLAIR) Website (Living information available in multiple language)

Nursing Insurance
This insurance allows you to receive nursing services if it becomes neccesary for you to receive care. Nursing care insurance is available for those over 40 years of age to opt into.

・Council of Local Authorities for International Relations(CLAIR) Website (Living information available in multiple language)

In Japan, a public system has been established to help individuals secure their livelihoods after retirement. Individuals who are employed by a company or firm are enrolled in the employee pension system through their firm or company. All other invididuals, including those who own their own business or are self-employed, enroll in the national pension system. Citizens of some countries may be able to contribute to pension plans in their home country while working in Japan. All residents of Japan, regardless of nationality, must enroll in the pension system, along with the national medical insurance system and social insurance system.

・Council of Local Authorities for International Relations(CLAIR) Website (Living information available in multiple language)

 Paying Taxes  税金を支払う

All residents, including foreign residents, who earn a certain amount of income are obligated to pay taxes. There are various types of taxes, so please familiarize yourself with the Japanese tax system.

・Council of Local Authorities for International Relations(CLAIR) Website (Living information available in multiple language)

 Getting married 結婚する

If you wish to marry, please enquire at your country's embassy and/or consulate for details. In some cases, you may also need to register the marriage at your city hall.
(If you want to divorce, please enquire at your country's embassy and/or consulate for details. Tn some cases, you may also need to file for divorce at your city hall.)

・Council of Local Authorities for International Relations(CLAIR) Website (Living information available in multiple language)

 Giving birth 子どもが生まれる

When a child is born, the birth certificate must be filed with local offices within fourteen days (including the date of birth). Please enquire at your city hall for details.

・Council of Local Authorities for International Relations(CLAIR) Website (Living information available in multiple language)

When a child is born, the birth certificate must be filed with local offices within fourteen days (including the date of birth). Please enquire at your city hall for details.

・Council of Local Authorities for International Relations(CLAIR) Website (Living information available in multiple language)

Maternity benefit
There is a subsidy for medical costs associated with of delivering a child. Please apply for this subsidy at the appropriate window according to the type of health insurance you are enrolled in.
If you cannot cover the cost of delivery due to your financial situation, please consult with the welfare division of city or town where you live.

・Council of Local Authorities for International Relations(CLAIR) Website (Living information available in multiple language)

 Child Rearing   子どもを育てる

Child care(Physical checkup & Vaccination)
Each city or town provides medical examinations and health guidance to support the healthy growth of children. They also offer consultation on how to raise children and prevent disease.

・Council of Local Authorities for International Relations(CLAIR) Website (Living information available in multiple language)

Day Care(Applying & Conditions of Use)
Day care facilities are for the children of parents or guardians who cannot look after their children themselves because of work or other commitments. Japanese day care centers provide both day care and education. A variety of day care institutions are available, including private and public day care centers, and preschools. Services and policies will vary by institution. Therefore, please consider carefully which institution you would like to enroll your child in.


 Going to School 学校へ行く

Public Education System
In the Japanese Education System, elementary school last 6 years, junior high school 3 years, high school 3 years and university 4 years (or 2 years for junior colleges)

・Council of Local Authorities for International Relations(CLAIR) Website (Living information available in multiple language)

Educational Counseling
Counseling and advice are available regarding school life or advancing through the education system (e.g. getting used to Japanese schools or advice on school application processes).

School meals
Elementary and Junior High schools provide school meals with the aim of offering nutritionally balanced lunches to students.

There is a scholarship program available to help school age and university students who find it difficult to continue their studies because of financial constraints. Ask your school or local Board of Education for further information.

 Getting Medical Attention 病院へ行く

These resources contain information about medical care and health, including information on emergency care, choosing the right hospital/doctor, and the procedures for receiving care.

Emergency Care

Choosing the right hospital and the steps to receiving care
・Council of Local Authorities for International Relations(CLAIR) Website (Living information available in multiple language)
AMDA International Health Care Information Center Website

Medical History Form (translated into several languages)
When visiting a medical institution, patients must explain past and present symptoms, conditions, injuries and medications using a medical history form. All 10 items on this form have been translated into 13 languages and are available for download.

Kanagawa International Exchange Foundation Website

Map showing the location of hospitals in the prefecture
Using this search engine, you can search for hospitals in Mie in English.

Healthcare Net Mie Website

Hospitals that can provide care in foreign languages
List of hospitals in Mie that can provide care in foreign languages.

Mie International Exchange Foundation (MIEF) Website

 Disaster Prevention  災害がおこったとき

Before and during natural disasters, each municipality provides natural disaster related information and issues evacuation orders if necessary.

Mie Disaster Prevention (Bosai Mie) Website

 Consultation Services  生活の相談をする

Information for everyday life
There are consultation services available in several foreign languages for foreign residents who encounter issues while living in Mie.

Mie International Exchange Foundation (MIEF) website

Victims of Domestic Violence
Domestic violence consultations are available for individuals being physically, psychologically and/or sexually abused by their partner. These services are available not only to married individuals, but also to divorced individuals and individuals in common-law marriages.

Persons with disabilities
Various services are available to help individuals with physical, cognitive or psychological disabilities maintain their independence and participate in civil society.

・Council of Local Authorities for International Relations(CLAIR) Website (Living information available in multiple language)

 Death in the family   家族が死亡したとき

Registering a death
A death certificate completed by a doctor must be filed within 7 days either of death, or discovery of death. For further information, contact your local municipal authority.

・Council of Local Authorities for International Relations(CLAIR) Website (Living information available in multiple language)



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