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  5.  【Application Closed】Let’s go to Kinokuni
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【Application Closed】Let’s go to Kinokuni

Collecting participants for a sightseeing tour in Kihoku region with high school students!
 “Kihoku Hamachiza” is the working group, aiming to activate Kihoku region, consisted of young staff working at Owase brunch of Mie Prefectural Government Office.
 This time with the collaboration of “Owase High School” and “Kihoku Hamachiza,” we will host a sightseeing tour “Let’s go to Kinokuni” in southern part of Mie for foreigners living in Mie prefecture (ALTs and international students etc..).
 This tour is the first collaboration of this year with Owase high school students.
<You can watch a PR movie when you click on the image above. >

〇Details of tour
Date  *Please refer to the attached flyer in English.

 ・ツアーチラシ(English Flyer)
 ・ツアーチラシ(Japanese Flyer)


