Tsuji Oil Mills Co., Ltd. donated 1,000 alcohol spray bottles to Mie Prefecture
(August 3, 2020)
In order to provide a stable supply of products which prevent infection to residents, Mie Prefecture has issued “Emergency Countermeasure Subsidies for COVID-19 Related Investments” to a total of 9 companies in the prefecture that manufacture products such as face masks and alcohol-based sanitizers in early May.
Tsuji Oil Mills Co., Ltd. (Matsusaka City) has started selling “Mie-ken san Tennen Hinoki Kaoru Jokin Spray”, an alcohol disinfectant spray that uses natural cypress extract from Mie Prefecture. A donation ceremony was held at the prefectural office in which 1,000 spray bottles were donated to Mie Prefecture.
On the day of the ceremony, Takehiko Tsuji, President and CEO of Tsuji Oil Mills Co., Ltd., visited the government office and presented the donation certificate to the governor. Mr. Tsuji explained his decision for entering the alcohol disinfectant market amid the shortage during the pandemic, and also discussed the use of cypress extract for his products.
Governor Suzuki gave his first impression of the product and said that “the more I rub my hands with the alcohol-disinfectant, the better I smell the natural cypress. It brings me the feelings as if I were at a newly built home.” The governor described his expectations towards the made-in-Mie product and presented the certificate of appreciation to Mr. Tsuji.
The donated spray bottles will be distributed to public elementary education schools, as well as other compulsory education schools in the prefecture.
県では、マスクや消毒液等の不足の速やかな解消を図ることを目的として、5月初旬に「新型コロナウイルス対応緊急対策投資補助金」を設け、9社を採択したところです。 このうち、新たに食品添加物としてのアルコール消毒液の生産に参入された辻製油株式会社が、令和2年8月3日(月)に「三重県産天然ヒノキ香る除菌スプレー」の販売を開始し、この度、県にアルコール消毒液1000本を寄贈いただきました。 当日は、辻製油株式会社の辻威彦代表取締役社長が来庁し、知事に対して目録を贈呈していただくとともに、新型コロナウイルスの影響でアルコール消毒液が不足する中でアルコール消毒液事業に参入いただいた経緯や、三重県産天然ヒノキの抽出液を使った商品に込める思いを語っていただきました。 鈴木知事からは「手に練り込むほどヒノキの香りがして、新築の家に行ったみたい」といった感想や、「Made in三重」の商品に対する期待を込めてお礼を述べ、感謝状の贈呈をいたしました。 寄贈いただいた1000本のアルコール消毒液は、県内の公立小中学校及び義務教育学校に配布させていただきます。 (令和2年8月3日) ![]() |