(経緯 Circumstances)
In order to respond to the decline in domestic demand, the number of golf clubs who are working on attracting golfers from overseas (inbound) is growing.
For this reason, we are inviting people involved in golf tourism in Europe, the birthplace of golf, to speak about the future possibilities and challenges of golf tourism in Japan.
We will also be holding a discussion on the subject of “bringing more golf tourism to Japan”, with people active at the forefront of the golf industry - both in Japan and abroad - as guest speakers.
After the seminar/discussion is over, in order to promote the appeal of golf tourism and a golf lifestyle with international exchanges between golfers, we will be holding a lottery at the venue, with prizes such as a golf tour of Pattaya, Thailand.
We hope that many of you will participate.
概要 Outline
日時:2017年3月25日(土)13:00~15:00 (お楽しみ抽選会は15:00~ 同会場にて)
会場:パシフィコ横浜 アネックスホール(ジャパンゴルフフェア2017開催中)
定員:85名 (先着順、定員に達し次第締め切ります。同時通訳のためのレシーバーをご用意します。)
Date and time: Saturday, March 25th, 2017, 1:00 PM-3:00 PM.
The lottery will begin at 3:00 PM at the same venue.
Venue: Pacifico Yokohama Annex Hall (during Japan Golf Fair 2017)
Capacity: 85 people (First come, first served; cut-off will be when capacity is reached.
Simultaneous interpretation to English and Japanese will be available. Receivers and headsets will be given to those asking for it.
Admission: Free
Applications: If you would like to participate, please send us a registration email with your name, your telephone number and the email address to which we can send you the confirmation of your registration.
Organizer: Mie Golf Tourism Association, Mie Prefecture
Supported by: Japan Golf Tourism Association
プログラム Program
12:15 -13:00 受付 Registration
13:00 開会 Opening
13:05 -13:35 基調講演 「欧州からみた日本のゴルフツーリズムの可能性と課題」
Keynote speech 'The possibilities and challenges of golf tourism in Japan, as viewed from Europe'
アーネ J ビグスタッド氏 Mr. Arne J. Vigstad氏(ノルウェー Norway)(1Golf CEO)
世界最大の旅行・イベント会社の一つであるHogg Robinson GroupやCNNネットワークの記者としての経験をもとに12年にわたりゴルフ産業に携わる。7年前に自身で立ち上げたゴルフTV制作会社ではGolf ChannelやCNN、Viasatといった大手放送局に旅行コンテンツを提供してきた。国際ゴルフツーリズム業界では初となるダイナミックパッケージサイトの立ち上げに取り組んでおり、その本格運用を春にもスタートさせる。With a solid background of experience at Hogg Robinson Group (HRG), one of the world’s largest corporate travel and event companies, and as a reporter at CNN, Mr. Vigstad has been involved in the golf industry for 12 years. Seven years ago, he launched his own golf TV production company, providing golf travel content to major broadcasters such as the Golf Channel, CNN, and Viasat, before using his experience to switch to international golf travel operations, and is now behind the first fully automated and dynamic travel platform for golfers.
13:35 -13-40 Q & A
13:40 -13:50 休憩 Intermission
13:50 -14:55 トークセッション 「日本にもっとゴルフツーリズムを」
Discussion 'Bringing more golf tourism to Japan'
トークセッション 【ゲストスピーカー】Discussion【Guest speakers】
1.「タイ・パタヤの取組~アジアNo1のゴルフデスティネーション~」 クラトーン(マイク)メソモンタ氏 (タイ)(ブラパゴルフクラブ マネージャー/東海岸ゴルフコース協会 会長)
1. The Pattaya, Thailand initiative: Asia’s #1 golf destination - Mr. Kullatorn Mesommonta (Thailand), Manager, Burapha Golf Club / President, East Coast Golf Course Management Association
年間50万人もの国際ゴルフ誘客に成功しているゴルフリゾート・パタヤにおいて、東海岸ゴルフコース協会(EGA)を立ち上げ、デスティネーションとしてのPRや国内競技人口拡大に向けた取組を精力的に行っている。その活動が評価され、国際ゴルフツアーオペレーター協会から、ゴルフ産業と地域振興に貢献した個人に贈られる真珠賞を2014年に受賞している。Mr. Mesommonta started the East Coast Golf Course Management Association (EGA) in Pattaya, where golf resorts attract 500,000 international golf visitors a year. He is energetically involved in promoting his area as a destination and growing the domestic population of players. In recognition of his efforts and his contributions to the golf industry and local development, the International Association of Golf Tour Operators bestowed upon him the Pearl Award for individuals in 2014.
2.「日本のゴルフ産業の課題と将来性」 山中博史氏(日本ゴルフ協会(JGA) 専務理事/2020年東京五輪ゴルフ競技対策副本部長)Challenges and future prospects for the golf industry in Japan – Mr. Hiroshi Yamanaka, Executive Director, Japan Golf Association (JGA) / Vice Chairman, Olympic Golf Competition Headquarters)
Mr. Yamanaka has actively represented Japan since his days as a student. After graduating from university, he joined Dunlop Sports Enterprises, while also visiting courses around the world as a caddy for Isao Aoki and others. Since 2001, he has been involved in tour management at the Japan Golf Tour Organization, and has worked as a committee member for all four overseas majors. He served as team leader of the golf team at the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics.
3.「インバウンドで生まれ変わる日本のゴルフ文化」 岩谷和彦氏(白山開発株式会社 ホテル支配人/みえゴルフツーリズム推進協会 会長)Inbound tourism and the rebirth of Japanese golf culture – Mr. Kazuhiko Iwatani, Hotel Manager, COCOPA RESORT CLUB / President, Mie Golf Tourism Association
2005年の中部国際空港の開港に合わせて国際ゴルフ誘客に着手。現在、東アジアを中心に年間2万人強のゴルフ誘客に成功し、冬季や平日の集客対策として大きな成果を上げている。2015年の日本シニアオープン、2019年の日本女子オープンの開催など競技コースとしての位置づけを確立しながら、市場を世界に求めることをコンセプトに展開している。In 2005, at the time of the opening of the Chubu Centrair International Airport, Mr. Iwatani began working on attracting international golf visitors. Now, he has succeeded in bringing in 20,000 people per year, primarily from East Asia. He has also made great achievements as countermeasures in winter and weekdays and is approaching the world market while establishing the position as a competition course such as holding the Japan Senior Open in 2015, the opening of the Japan Women 's Open in 2019, etc.
トークセッション 【モデレーター】Discussion【Moderator】
薬師寺輝氏(株式会社NibLinks代表取締役/国際ゴルフツアーオペレーター協会(IAGTO)日本代表)Mr. Hikaru Yakushiji, Managing Director, NibLinks Co., Ltd. / Japan Representative, International Association of Golf Tour Operators (IAGTO)
2013年にゴルフツーリズム専門のPR/マーケティング会社を設立、アジアの主要デスティネーションの一つであるマレーシアからもPR/マーケティング業務を請け負う。2013年から、国際ゴルフツアーオペレーター協会(IAGTO)の日本代表を務める。世界のゴルフデスティネーションを訪れ、その魅力を国内外に発信している。月刊ゴルフ場セミナーにて「食わず嫌いなインバウンド」連載中。In 2013, Mr. Yakushiji founded his PR and Marketing company specializing in golf tourism. He has also taken on PR and marketing work from Malaysia, one of Asia’s top destinations. Since 2013, he has served as the Japan representative at the International Association of Golf Tour Operators (IAGTO). He visits golf destinations around the world and conveys their charms to Japan and beyond.
Finally, he writes regularly series of articles on inbound golf tourism for the Golf Course Management & Maintenance Magazine.
14:55 -15:00 お知らせ Announcement
15:00 -15:20 休憩 Intermission
15:20 -15:30 お楽しみ抽選会 Lottery
セミナーちらし Seminar Flyer
申込・問い合わせ Applications/Inquiries
みえゴルフツーリズム推進協会(三重県海外誘客課) 担当:鈴木Mie Golf Tourism Association (@MGTAjapan) Representative: Suzuki
TEL 059-224-2847 Mail:inbound@pref.mie.jp